Women Gurus' Network
The Women Gurus Network links the world's best professional women speakers, making it easy for organizations to access the most sought-after women experts on a variety of current and substantive issues.
Whether your topic is Women and Leadership, Work/Life Balance, Marketing to Women, Engaging & Leveraging Networks, Communicating Effectively, or Leveraging Gender and Age Differences, The Women Gurus' Network has just the right speaker to ensure your event's success.
To learn more about the special expertise of each Guru, click on her link below and you'll be directed to her website. At long last, an easy way to find compelling women speakers who can engage your audience and deliver the results you're looking for! |
Gail Evans
"Love the game" - With those words Gail Evans concludes one of the most successful and influential books about women in the workplace. Evans speak from hands on experience. Her career is vast ranging from Capitol Hill and the White House to CNN. She retired as Executive Vice President of the CNN Newsgroup in 2001 to devote her time to writing and speaking globally about the issues of gender in the office. She is the best selling author of "Play Like A Man, Win Like A Woman" and "She Wins, You Win." www.gailevans.net |
Sally Helgesen
Sally Helgesen, one of the world's brand-name experts on women's leadership, has delivered keynotes and seminars at corporations, associations, and non-profits all over the world. In her bestselling The Female Advantage: Women's Ways of Leadership, Sally was the first to focus on what women have to contribute to organizations rather than how they need to change and adapt. She is also the author of The Web of Inclusion: A New Architecture for Building Great Organizations, and three other books. Her presentations are inspiring, thoughtful, original, and full of practical advice.
www.sallyhelgesen.com |
Connie Glaser
Connie Glaser is the best-selling author of Swim with the Dolphins and one of the country's leading experts on Gender Communications and Women in Leadership. Her books and dynamic seminars have helped thousands of women "break the glass ceiling." A recognized thought leader on women's workplace issues, Connie works closely with companies' Diversity Initiatives to bridge the leadership gender gap.
www.connieglaser.com |
Bev Kaye
Beverly Kaye is one of the nations leading authorities in career issues in the workplace. A dynamic and committed keynote speaker, Bevs presentations engage participants, stimulate learning and inspire action. Her ground breaking career development, talent retention, workplace satisfaction and mentoring programs have been implemented by Fortune 500 companies worldwide. Bev has spent years researching corporate strategies for developing, engaging and retaining knowledge workers. Her manager guidebook to retention and engagement, Love Em or Lose Em: Getting Good People to Stay has sold over 350,000 copies, is printed in 17 languages and has reached Wall Street Journal and Amazon best seller status. Her new book, Love It, Dont Leave It: 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work also a WSJ best seller, is designed to put job satisfaction in the hands of the employee.
www.careersystemsintl.com |
Susan Bird Susan Willett Bird is an internationally sought-after speaker on the "Age of Engagement." She shares her expertise on designing the most effective means a company can use to engage its workforce - at all levels - in shaping the strategy that will drive performance with significant ROI impact. Her fresh insights on how marketers can effectively engage with prospects and maintain connections with current customers are invaluable for those who seek a brand dialogue that moves beyond awareness to preference. As the founder of the annual MainEvent, the global simultaneous four-hour event, Susan has been referred to as the "Queen of Conversation."
www.wf360.com |
Jeri Sedlar
Jeri Sedlar is the co-author of DON'T RETIRE, REWIRE! and Senior Advisor to The Conference Board on Mature Workforce Issues. She travels the country for organizations showing employees, clients and customers how to create new purpose, new passions and new work possibilities in retirement. She is a thought-leader on "retirement risk and reward" from the employer and employee perspective. She has been on The Today Show, CNN and featured in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. www.dontretirerewire.com |
Susan RoAne Susan RoAne teaches people how to meet, mingle, make small talk and turn it into BIG Business. She is a sought after professional speaker, consultant/coach, and the best selling author of the classic, How To Work a Room¨, The Secrets of Savvy Networking and What Do I Say Next?. Her clients include Citigroup, Ernst and Young Professional Women's Network, Hershey, United Nations Federal Credit Union, Boeing. Susan RoAne has appeared in NY Times, Wall ST. Journal, O magazine, Working Mother, Entrepreneur and Fast Company.
www.susanroane.com |
Margaret Heffernan Margaret Heffernan has risen to top positions in large corporations - and she's also built businesses from scratch in both the US and Europe. Her book The Naked Truth: A Working Woman's Manifesto drew on her own experience, together with that of hundreds of other women. It was cited as one of the best career books of 2004. An international speaker on the subject of women's careers and ambitions, she writes for Fast Company and Worthwhile magazines in the US, Real Business in the UK and sits on the boards of several companies.
www.mheffernan.com |
Robyn Waters Known as the Trendmaster, Robyn is a national speaker, author, and hired gun visionary for corporate America. She inspires audiences here and abroad with her unique message that simplifies and demystifies the art of trend tracking. Fast Company magazine recently featured her as one of the top twenty 'Creative Maverick's' in their Masters of Design June 2004 issue. As Target's former Vice President of Trend, Design, and Product Development, she helped a small regional discount chain become a national fashion destination known better as "Tarzhay." She is the author of The Trendmaster's Guide: Get a Jump on What Your Customer Wants Next.
www.rwtrend.com |
Marti Barletta Marti Barletta, author of Marketing to Women and Trends (co-author Tom Peters), is a top-rated professional speaker who provides a unique combination of gender expertise and hands-on marketing experience. Her keynotes and workshops are full of eye-opening insights, entertaining observations and practical "how to" pointers. Her lively style, command of her subject and passion for her topic make her a dynamic and popular presenter. Barletta is president of The TrendSight Group, a Chicago-based consulting and training firm that helps companies boost sales and share by tapping into the buying power of women.
www.trendsight.com |
Copyright 20013, Gail Evans |